Protocol Department
Director and Chief of Protocol: Ambassador Yusuph Mndolwa
Phone Number: +255 22 2110270
Fax Number: +255 22 211660
- Formulation of Protocol Procedures;
- Coordination of visit of foreign dignitaries;
- Logistical preparations of visits of Tanzania’s national leaders abroad;
- Coordination of arrival, departure and functions of the Head of Diplomatic and Consular Missions and the International Organizations accredited to the United Republic of Tanzania and maintenance of their Order of Precedence;
- Coordinate and execute protocol duties during national festivals;
- Taking charge in the issuance of passes/permits for the use of the VIP Lounges at Airports in Tanzania;
- Implementation and ensuring diplomatic policies granting Privileges and Immunities to Foreign Diplomats as stipulated in the Vienna Conventions, UN Convention on Privileges & Immunities, Tanzanian Act No.5 of 1986 on Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges, past practices followed in Tanzania and existing reciprocal arrangements (Headquarters Agreements);
- Processing of tax/duty/fee exemption for foreign diplomats on the basis of reciprocity;
- Facilitation of resident and work permits for the Diplomatic Corps and their family members;
- Numbering of vehicles belonging to members of Diplomatic Corps;
- Processing sale/disposal of motor vehicles belonging to Foreign Diplomats and their other eligible members;
- Approval for remittance of sale proceeds of duty-free imported vehicles sold in Tanzania by privileged persons;
- Coordination of security arrangements for the members of Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations;
- Facilitation on matters relating to the handling of diplomatic bags and security checks on privileged persons at Airports;
- Investigation of complaints relating to abuses of Privileges and Immunities;
- Serving court summons on Foreign Diplomats;
- Administering Privileges and Immunities admissible to Consul Generals and their Consulates;
- Facilitation of agreement processing;
- Coordination of arrangements for presentation of credentials;
- Facilitation of appointments by foreign dignitaries to national leaders, particularly the President, Vice President, President of Zanzibar, Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and other National Dignitaries;
- Facilitating the availability of Guest of Honour during foreign National Day Receptions;
- Facilitation of visits by Diplomats to places outside their Headquarters within Tanzania;
- Rendering of services and guidance regarding accommodation, electrical power, telephone and other services;
- Recognition of Military Attaches/Advisers and issuance of Exequaturs recognizing appointment of Foreign Consular Officer, including Honorary Consul/Consul General;
- Processing complaints for Tanzania firms against Foreign Missions and vice versa;
- Maintaining and updating the Diplomatic List;
- Facilitation of first arrivals and final departures of Heads of Diplomatic Missions;
- Facilitation in the allocation and purchase of land in diplomatic enclaves / processing requests for acquisition / sale of build-up property;
- Providing protocol guidance to other Government Departments when preparing international conferences and seminars; as well as
- Facilitation of the granting of diplomatic clearance for foreign aircraft, naval vessel and military cargo.